Thank you for attending our webinar

Analysis Request

If you think a 664 Real Estate Shelter Trust may be right for one of your clients, please fill out this form and submit it to Connor Barth at [email protected]

Your recording is available here

If you were unable to attend this webinar or would like to view it again, a recording of the webinar is available below.

Slides & Further Reading Material

Presentation Slide Deck

If you would like to read through the slides presented in the webinar, they are available here.

Appreciated Real Estate: A Sterling Advisor Guide

Interested in reading more about solutions for appreciated real estate? Appreciated Real Estate: A Sterling Advisor Guide features an in-depth analysis of how to advise clients looking to sell their real property, along with the challenges that come with such a scenario, and potential solutions to those challenges.

A copy of Appreciated Real Estate: A Sterling Advisor Guide is available to you for free as thanks for attending our webinar.